The Fifth CAF training course concluded

Author: Time:2011-08-27 Clicks:

     The Fifth CAF Leading Cadres Capacity-building training course concluded on May 12 for duration of 5 days. This training course invited Peng Youdong (Director of State Forestry Science and Technology Division), Liang Jiang (Director of Department of Human Resources and Social Division of Personnel Management), Zhang Shougong (Dean of CAF), Liu Shirong (Vice-dean of CAF), Prof. Zhou Wenshun (Zhengzhou University), Hu Longhui (Vice-Principle of Henan Communist Party College) to give presentations. Representatives from Research Institute of Forest Environment, Ecology and Protection exchanged presentations in the first day’s training course.
     This training course achieved expected results of broadening the vision and enhancing decision execution capacity of leading cadres of CAF.


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